Tuesday, September 27, 2011

MySQL Maintenance

My main focus is Microsoft SQL on Windows.  I was playing with MySQL and want to share MySQL equivalents to common functions in MS SQL.

Back up all MySQL databases:
$ mysqldump --user=root --password=whatever --result-file=backup_file.sql --all-databases

Look into the "lock-tables" option.
Also look into mysqlhotcopy
Also look into the log-bin option to get something like transaction logs.

For data integrity checks, look into mysqlcheck and myisamchk (is there something similar for Innodb?)

For optimization:
Index defrag - mysqlcheck --optimize -A -u username -ppassword

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mouse Without Borders

I used Synergy for several years to run multiple computers & monitors with a single keyboard and mouse.  I stopped because it had trouble with beta (unreleased) Windows products.  Here's one from Microsoft that seems to work better in a Microsoft-only (not cross platform) environment:
